When I first started down the path of my own endeavor. I only had the belief in myself that I could achieve and my family supporting me. This year has been a very strange year. It has been a year of growth for me. This could have been the worst year of my life. The beginning of the year really did feel like the end.
This year began with my whole world turning upside down. The career that had come to define me was over. The connections I had made to help me in this tough times were also going through it. Clients that I had worked with for years were now not even in the same industry. It’s as if my whole reason for getting out of bed had suddenly disappeared from the world with no one needing my services.
I got really good at Call of Duty!
I have to admit that in the beginning I was very content with playing games online and watching Fox News. Living in this way could not last, I had to think of something. I looked around at where I was and I asked myself, Do you want to have this year define you, or do you want to define this year? It was clear that if I didn’t take this opportunity, another one might not come around. I imagine it is hard for someone to call 2020 and opportunity, but that is exactly what it has been for me. It has been the bump in the road that has forced me to finally take that leap that I knew deep down inside my soul that I needed to take.
This month has seen Pinnacle Technologies grow from an startup IT firm, to a startup IT firm with clients. What a small step that seems like the hardest three months of my life. I would trade it for the world.
So on the eve of Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks to my family and friends who have supported me so much in starting my journey. I also want to thank all our partners at PinnTech. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
– Pablo